Pre/Post Surgery

Pre/Post Surgery

Why Capernum PT?

At Capernum Physical Therapy, we recognize that surgical procedures are significant milestones in your journey to better health. Whether you’re preparing for surgery or recovering from it, our dedicated team is here to ensure you receive the best care and support.

We focus on optimizing your recovery process, helping you regain strength, and restoring your quality of life.

Pre-Surgery Physical Therapy

  • Introduction: Pre-surgery physical therapy, also known as prehabilitation, involves introducing physical therapy before an upcoming surgery or procedure. This approach is commonly used in the orthopedic field for ligament tears or bone injuries.
  • Benefits: Outside of orthopedics, prehabilitation isn’t widely integrated before or after surgery, but it may hold benefits for abdominal, pelvic, and other surgeries. The goal is to prepare you physically for the procedure to reduce post-surgery complications. Surgery can be compared to a physically intense activity, like running a few miles, and prehabilitation helps you train for it.
  • Implementation: For muscle-skeletal or abdominal core surgeries, prehabilitation focuses on moving those areas to aid healing post-surgery. This could involve stretching or limited endurance exercises. Regular exercise before surgery can lead to fewer complications compared to patients who don’t exercise regularly.

Pre-Surgery Physical Therapy: Orthopedic Focus

  • Orthopedic Prehabilitation:  In the orthopedic world, pre-surgery physical therapy is often involved before the operation. This is especially true when there’s a tear in a ligament or a bone injury, as physical therapy helps prepare the affected areas for surgery.
  • Physical Preparation: When surgery is required, it puts you through a physically intense activity. Prehabilitation aims to get you physically prepared, much like training for a race. This preparation can lead to better outcomes and fewer complications post-surgery.
  • Exercise Routine: During prehabilitation, exercises may include stretching and limited endurance exercises. These exercises target the specific areas to be operated on, helping improve healing and recovery post-surgery.

Research and Benefits of Pre-Surgery Physical Therapy

  • Current Research:  Researchers at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and other institutions are investigating the benefits of prehabilitation. Early findings suggest that prehabilitation can provide significant benefits based on patients’ exercise activities before surgery.
  • Potential Benefits: Regular exercise before surgery tends to result in fewer complications compared to patients who don’t exercise. However, more research is needed to develop specific recommendations and fully understand the benefits of prehabilitation.

Pre and Post Surgery Care Tips

Surgery is not just about the procedure; it’s a comprehensive journey that requires preparation, expertise, and post-operative care. Our specialists utilize advanced medical techniques and personalized rehabilitation plans to support you before and after surgery, ensuring a smooth and effective recovery.

Pre-Surgery Optimization

Pre-Surgical Conditioning

Preparing your body for surgery can significantly enhance recovery outcomes. Our team provides tailored exercise programs and nutritional guidance to optimize your physical condition, reduce surgical risks, and improve post-operative results.

Educational Sessions

Understanding your surgery and the recovery process is crucial. We offer educational sessions to help you know what to expect, manage anxiety, and be proactive in your recovery journey.

Post-Surgery Recovery

Comprehensive Rehabilitation

Post-surgery rehabilitation is critical for restoring function and mobility. We provide personalized therapy plans to address your specific needs, whether you’re recovering from orthopedic surgery, joint replacement, or other procedures.

Pain Management Strategies

Effective pain management is vital for a comfortable recovery. Our specialists use a range of techniques, from medication management to alternative therapies, ensuring you stay comfortable and pain-free.

Specialized Care for Specific Surgeries

Orthopedic Surgery Recovery

Recovering from orthopedic surgery, such as knee or hip replacement, requires specialized care. Our programs focus on improving strength, mobility, and function, with exercises tailored to your surgery type and personal recovery goals.

Spinal Surgery Recovery

Spinal surgeries require careful rehabilitation to protect the spine and restore function. Our team provides expert guidance and support, utilizing advanced techniques to help you recover safely and effectively.

Cardiovascular Surgery Recovery

After cardiovascular surgery, rebuilding cardiovascular health is crucial. We offer cardiac rehabilitation programs that include monitored exercise, lifestyle counseling, and nutritional support to help you regain your strength and improve your heart health.

Get Started

Ready to begin your pre/post-surgery recovery journey?

Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. Let us help you achieve a smoother, faster recovery and a return to the activities you love.

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